

        0317-4914188 / 4052788
        Cangzhou Four Stars Glass Pharmaceutical Industry Chain Domestic Intelligent Manufacturing Base's 7th Furnace Successfully Ignited

        發(fā)表日期:2024-8-6        有436位讀者讀過此文 


            On the occasion of celebrating the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Cangzhou Four Stars Glass Pharmaceutical Industry Chain's domestic intelligent manufacturing base witnessed a milestone moment. On the morning of August 1st, the ignition ceremony of the 7th kiln was held solemnly amidst joy and anticipation. The company's leaders chose this special day for the ignition, aiming to draw on the high standards of military products, strictly require the quality of the company's products, and further enhance the company's management level through semi-military management.

            Government leaders such as XU Chao, Deputy Secretary-General of Cangzhou Municipal Government, SUN Xirang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Cangzhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, XIA Jun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Cangzhou High-tech Zone Management Committee, attended the ignition ceremony. Chairman WANG Huanyi delivered a speech on the spot. Responsible comrades from the competent departments of Cangzhou City and the High-tech Zone, colleagues from the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the company's construction team, marketing team, and employee representatives jointly witnessed this important moment. The ceremony was hosted by ZHAO Chunrong, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Cangzhou High-tech Zone Management Committee.

            At the ignition ceremony, the employees were full of energy and high morale, jointly welcoming the arrival of this historic moment. With the sound of firecrackers, the spark of inheritance and innovation was passed from the 4th, 5th, and 6th kilns to the hands of the new plant manager, igniting the 7th kiln. The blazing flames not only reflected the enthusiasm of the employees but also carried unlimited expectations for the future, symbolizing Four Stars Glass's unremitting pursuit of craftsmanship and superior quality.

            The successful ignition of the 7th kiln of Four Stars Glass marks the imminent commissioning of the country's first complete biomedical industry chain production base! It signifies the transformation of the production mode of the pharmaceutical industry chain from decentralized to intensive! This is not only a significant leap for Four Stars in the pharmaceutical packaging industry but also a new starting point for the development of the entire industry chain.

            Looking ahead, Cangzhou Four Stars Glass will continue to advance the construction of the "Domestic Intelligent Manufacturing Base Project for the Pharmaceutical Industry Chain." It is expected that within the next two years, the 8th and 9th kilns will be successively started, and the solid powder injection filling workshop and comprehensive injection filling workshop will also be put into operation. By then, a large-scale and technologically advanced domestic intelligent manufacturing base for the pharmaceutical industry chain will be presented to the world, contributing to the development of the pharmaceutical industry.


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        生產(chǎn)設備            ENGLISH





        版權所有        滄州四星玻璃股份有限公司
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